February Newsletter

Newsletter February 2017

Hello Everyone,

I hope all is well in your world.  Firstly I would like to thank you all for supporting my business in both clinics.  It’s such a pleasure to offer treatments that will enhance your wellbeing and enable you to live an improved life, be that physically or emotionally.  Your recommendations to family and friends are warmly appreciated as is your support for following and sharing my Facebook page at www.facebook.com/KatrinasReflexologyRoom


Have you made any positive steps forward for 2017? If not it is never too late to start making small adjustments.  Do you have a diffuser?  If so do you currently use it?  I diffuse daily in my workspace, home life and in the bedroom at night.  Why you might ask?  The answer is as simple as it makes me feel wonderful.  Who wouldn’t want that?

How does it work you might wonder?  You simply fill a water receptacle with water (I use purified) add 4-6 drops of your chosen oil and turn it on.  The aroma is released instantaneously, tiny particles float throughout the space cleansing the area and nurturing your wellbeing.  Ideal for uplifting your mood, fighting germs or unwinding at the end of the day.

Where can you purchase one?  I have doTerra petal diffusers in stock.  They are competitively priced and an asset to any home.

What oils should I start with?  A great way is to start with the doTerra introductory kit.  It consists of 3 of the most popular oils.  These  certified pure therapeutic grade essential oils have been my favourite friends for 18 months now.  They are part of my daily ritual and they improve my life every day.  They can be used in some of the following ways.


Calming, soothing for bites/burns, anxiety, depression, hay fever, inflammation, insomnia and mood swings to name a few.
Use topically or diffused.


Anxiety, cold sores, concentration, constipation, digestion, heartburn, purification, stress, uplifting mood and many more.
Use topically (not where the skin will be exposed to sunlight), diffusing or internally by adding 1 drop to water (only using the doTerra brand).


Alertness, athsma, bacterial infections, cramps, constipation, hot flushes, indigestion, muscle aches, sinus, nausea and vomiting to name a few.
Use topically, diffused or add 1 drop to water (doTerra brand only)



Add ½ cup water

8-10 drops of each oil

Into a spray bottle, shake and spray as needed as an air freshener in any room or pop all 3 into a diffuser. The smell is divine and is TOXIC FREE!

All oils are available for purchase from myself.

treatment of the month
If you enjoy the oils you must try my Aromatouch Technique Treatment.  Lasting an hour in duration, 8 essential oils will be layered individually on your back and feet with light massage movements.  This application produces a profound whole body wellness.

The many benefits include but not limited to stress management, immune support, and balance of the nervous system.  You will need to allow yourself a little time to recover as the end result is one of deep relaxation.  So if you feel like a bit of nurturing or just wish to treat your body with the nourishment it needs book a session.

$85/ treatment or $425 for 6.

Until next time you treat your feet!


I am not lucky.  I am blessed.